Last weekend we went river rafting in Moab with the family and it was fun but tiring. Watching 2 year olds in a non contained space makes me want to scream. They had so much fun with their cousins just getting dirty. We got some nice rapids and finished the day trip in 3 hours! Last time it was more like 5 or 6.
chloe and tate have been so fun lately, they talk to eachother a lot now. They always great eachother when they come in the room, "Hi, Tate!" Tate can't really say Chloe yet so he calls her tay tay too.
We went and played soccer this morning. I seriously only played for 30 minutes and I am so exhasted, I could lay in bed all day. It's kinda sad. Everyone is sleeping right now, kind of peaceful. Off to California tomorrow for another rafting trip.
Bye for now!

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