Friday, January 02, 2009

HAppy NeW yEar to YoU!

To all of our friends and family and random people, HAPPY NEW YEAR. Here are some photos of Tate and Chloe just hanging out like ususal, after they have taken off all their clothes, their favorite! I love these bumpkinds. This year has been one of the best. I feel SO lucky to be doing what I am doing and to have Anthony pursuing his dream career is even better...

Tate has Anthony's blanket from when he was a baby and it's so cute how much he loves it. HE won't go to bed without it. As you can see they are on the counter with a plethora of toys, their new thing is to fill up bags and baskets full of toys and carry them around the house, then they always walk toward the door and say, "bye mom, I love you!" I know too cute, I can't handle it sometimes. Sorry there are lots of photos, I couldn't narrow it down and since this is my scrapbook/Journal I have to!


Nicole Anderson Photography said...

How'd they get so cute! They just melt me!

The Sonboul's said...

Love the B&W's! These are all so beautiful! Happy New Year :)

Sarah said...

Hey Girl,

We missed ya last night at the old school get together! Maybe next time;)

Happy New Year!

Amy Waddington Photography said...

oh my goodness angie, your kids are ADORABLE! your little girl looks like you!!!! if you ever come to north idaho we will have to get our kidos together! it's a beautiful place to visit! GREAT fun in the summer!