Wednesday, October 14, 2009

potty freaking trained!!

Yes both of my 3 year old crazy heads are potty trained. I could scream it from a mountain top, thought this day would never come. love them.


Sara Boulter said...

Oh blessed day! I'm so glad it happened before they started dating and driving. That would have been weird.

Kari Davis said...

Yeah!!!, I know the feelin.' Love your title.... thanks for the face painting tips... turned out great!

Jeana Bird said...

what a beautiful they just need to teach Brooke.

Clinton and Michelle said...

Nice! I remember how happy I was when Tyler was potty trained. Seriously the best day of my life, ok a little bit exaggerated.

Jorgensens4 said...

Congratulations times TWO!! Definitely not one of the fun parts of toddler-hood, but you definitely deserve to announce it to the world :)