These are the famous words spoken by Anthony on a daily basis. So, today he was BBQing on the patio and the kids preceded to go down the stairs and run out to the street and start heading down the road. I was cooking (I know can you believe it?) and asked where the kids went. He pointed down the road and said "they'll be fine". So imagine Tate in his diaper and a long sleeve shirt with food all over his face. Luckily he had big thick socks on to keep is toes warm. Then there is Chloe dragging her favorite blanky in the gutter with her striped tights on and a long sleeve shirt. She had ranch dressing all over herself from her new dipping obsession. I did laugh a little but then I went into a state of panic and barked at Anthony to go and get his kids out of the road. The kids weren't even fazed by what happened and just enjoyed there little adventure. They looked so white trash out there! Oh well, I can't even imagine what I did as a kid. I just remember not letting my mom brush or wash my hair for days and then I would have to get a hair cut because it was so knotted and gross. So, here are just a few random pics of them. I wish I had gotten a picture of them today running away!
That is cute! "They'll be fine." I think I've heard that a time or two as well. Your babies are adorable. My little guy is now giggling and I'm just getting more and more excited knowing that they just get sweeter and sweeter.
You made me laugh. You guys are so white trash!
I love your pics! Tate looks just like his dad when he eats too! JK.
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